Sunday, June 24, 2007


This is my Brother Andrew and his fiance Bec

This is my Beautiful Niece Elise Mary Margaret Stewart born to Andrew and Bec on friday the 22nd June. Elise was 8Ib, 51 cm long, head was 33 cm. She is so beautiful. Congratualtions Andrew and Bec I know that she will bring great happiness to your life.
I got to hold Elise yeserday and she is so tiny (I have forgot how tiny they are)She is so peaceful she sleeps for 4 hours at a time. I cant wait to see her again!! Can you tell that I am a little excited about my first Niece.
NIC xx


leewoodside said...

She is so cute!!!

jess said...

what a cutie!!!
Xx jess

Lyn said...

Aawwwww what a cutie, makes a person want a few more.